Is it to not get offended by it ?
Is it to remember it and do a prayer each year ? To its memory. And those suffered ?
This is the Top # 1 Sole Reason If there was a top 100 FAQ on Slavery #s 1-95 would educate you to perform your Duty to Look and Duty to Act and Duty to Continue to Act to eradicate any known or unknown enemy who plans to recreate a Slave State.
That is IT !
96 - 100 - would be to Honor the Emancipation and Celebrate it.
That is how important it is to not be Complacent. To not take all the hard work and suffering For Granted. To not be overly offended at others ignorance.
Take a week to celebrate.
Take a few years to rebuild your lives. All the while being the Watch-Eagle to make sure it keeps going nationally as it should.
And Educate yourself to a "T" as to why and how it happened in this Nation. Who did it. Why and how its happened in other nations AND in History.
And Educate yourself on Bad Men and their Tactics so you can spot even the slightest hint of such an activity starting again and stomp it out quickly with group-pressure, individual Duty performed.
Any Government who is actively engaged in over promotion of Rights, of Celebrations without a Balanced Promotion of Duty and Honor, should be investigated for covert actions to overthrow the country and its citizens.
Too many gifts. Too much praise. Too much damn virtue. The enemy lulls you to sleep with candy and you wake up in a place you do not want to be.
Slavery happened many, many, many times in History. In many different countries. By many different Races, Colors and Creeds of men.
There are Historical Targets for such bad men - Women as Sex Slaves. Depending on the Country and the times, the minority races for the Work Force.
Get lazy and over celebrate and forget where things have been - RECENTLY - and you risk to lose it.
How did Slavery happen originally ?
Do you know the types of people who implemented Slavery ?
How did Slavery continue ?
Was it just Bad Men carrying out Slavery ? Or also weak men who did not Stand UP to Bad Men ?
Do they do this only in the USA, or around the world ?
Are there different types of Slavery in the Modern Day America and the World ?
Here are a few to consider:
Abuse of Women. (Prostitution, Human Trafficking)
ECT (Electric Shock Therapy)
False Imprisonment.
American Prisons without proven and successful rehabilitation (statistically)
Sounds like a Double prison.
American Drug Culture without proven and successful rehabilitation (statistically)
Abuse of Women. (Prostitution, Human Trafficking, Male Dominance)
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a medical procedure that uses an electrical current to induce a brief seizure in the brain to treat certain mental illnesses:
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